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Therefore, DSO's must advise students in accordance with regulation, guidance and policy and should use this calculator for convenience and to assist in advising only. The information in the calculator and the results its calculations do not constitute legal advice. + ,??!Date Application turned into ISSSgExpected date application is ready to be picked up from ISSS office Processing takes 7-10 business daysDAAnticipated arrival date for EAD card Processing takes 2-4 months&?Approximate date should submit 1st OPT update You must submit an OPT update together with a scan of your EAD card once it is received.?Approximate date should submit 2nd OPT update You must submit an OPT update every six months, or earlier if there is a change in mailing address or employer information. mm/dd/yyyy??5 7H*<lcc??B????? 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